April 2, 2019
The “We ID the LCAHY Way” introductory training was held at the Island Recreational Center for staff in leadership positions. The Island Rec Center is responsible for multiple community festivals throughout the year where alcohol is sold by volunteers. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss what could be done to ensure proper ID card training for festival volunteers and how to keep alcohol out of the hands of minors. Sixteen members representing the Island Recreational Center attended this informational session with LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth Board Members, who represented a substance abuse agency, local business community, and the legal sector. The “We ID the LCAHY” training approach was shared and a LCAHY board member representing the law sector answered legal questions. The individuals that attended learned about possible additional training options and information that could be provided to festival coordinators and volunteers. The individuals that attended the training plan to train their staff and volunteers who will help during the festivals. LCAHY plans to continue to reach out to leaders of local festivals to encourage educational training sessions that will reduce teen access and use of alcohol at community events. LCAHY is a recipient of the Drug Free Community Grant.