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THY Educate their Peers During National Prevention Week • 05/10-16/2020

May 10th to May 16th, 2020

Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) educated their peers during SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week (May 10-16, 2020) by creating informative posters and videos for each theme day. May 11th, Preventing Prescription Drug and Opioid Misuse Day, Bluffton THY developed a poster. May 12th, Preventing Underage Drinking and Alcohol Misuse, THY Hilton Head Island High School made a flyer. May 13th, Preventing Illicit Drug Use, and Youth Marijuana Use, THY Hilton Head Christian Academy (HHCA) produced a video. May 14th, Preventing Youth Tobacco Use (E-Cigarettes and Vaping), HHCA, and Hilton Head Preparatory THY made an infographic. May 15th, Preventing Suicide, THY members at May River High School created a video. See posters and videos attached.

THY created virtual posters and videos during COVID-19 to educate their peers about the risks these substances pose to adolescents. The awareness video produced for Suicide Prevention Day listed warning signs and provided helpful resources. Teens may be more at risk for substance use, anxiety, depression, or suicide to do social isolation and stressors experienced during COVID-19. THY’s posters and videos will be posted on LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth’s (LCAHY) THY banner (THY Promotes Positive Teen Health during COVID-19) at and on the coalition’s social media. THY, an initiative of LCAHY, is determined to promote positive teen health through peer to peer education year-round


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