The LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) co-sponsored National DEA Rx Take Back Day with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office and BCADAD. Teens for Healthy Youth (THY), LCAHY’s Youth Coalition, assisted with distributing LCAHY’s Year-Round Rx Take Back Location Fact Cards and Deterra bags to individuals returning their unused prescription medications. Approximately 20 cars dropped off medications to the DEA officers. Distributing LCAHY’s Rx Fact Card with year-long drop box locations is an activity of LCAHY’s 12-Month Action Plan under Strategy 1 Provide information to reduce access to unused prescription medications.

Teens for Healthy Youth Members, Aviana Stevens and Mary Thurlow, distributed LCAHY’s Rx Fact Card to individuals who dropped off unused medications.

Flyer for DEA Take Back Day April 27th, 2024.

LCAHY’s Rx Fact Card provides year-round Rx drop box locations.