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LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth Hosts Annual Teens for Healthy Youth Recognition Event

Updated: Jun 5, 2024

The LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) recognized their youth coalition, Teens for Healthy Youth (THY), during an annual recognition event held at May River High School. During the event, THY representatives from Bluffton High, Cross Schools, Hilton Head Christian Academy, and May River High presented their accomplishments to parents and community members via a slideshow presentation. Jillian Campanella, LCAHY’s CIA Youth Representative on the Community Board, congratulated her peers on their significant contributions to promoting positive teen health and introduced LCAHY’s new youth CIA, Aviana Stevens. THY Advisors recognized individual members of their group with a certificate of recognition and a gift card. Laura Pirkey, LCAHY’s Youth Coordinator commended the THY advisors for mentoring and supporting THY and initiatives in their school that support LCAHY’s 12-month action plan. Dr. Novince also highlighted the impactful work of the LCAHY’s summer interns and highlighted their individual projects as their preceptor. In addition, Dr. Novince, LCAHY/THY’s consultant, recognized Jillian Campanella for her numerous contributions to the coalition in her role as youth CIA from 2022-2024. The evening program concluded with a special recognition of LCAHY’s Outstanding Senior Service Award Recipients, Amber Van Horn and Payton Ward for their dedication and contributions to THY and LCAHY. At the end of the ceremony, former Bluffton Mayor Lisa Sulka 2003-2023, provided closing remarks to THY and stated that the work of Teens for Healthy Youth is more important now than ever and encouraged all to keep striving to make a positive difference in their school and communities. LCAHY’s Youth coalition is a very active part of the youth sector of the coalition. Recognizing the youth coalition is an activity in LCAHY’s 12-month Action Plan under Strategy 5-Incentives/Disincentives within the Seven Strategies of Community Level Change. To see the full slide show presentation click here. To view WHHI’s coverage of the event visit

Pastor Lawson, Faith-based Sector CIA, gives invocation at THY Recognition Event.

Representatives from THY share their projects and initiatives throughout the 2023-2024 school year that promote positive teen development through peer-to-peer education, leadership, advocacy, and community service.

Bluffton THY members were recognized and presented a certificate of recognition by their THY Advisor, Laura Pirkey, for their year-round dedication to THY.

Cross Schools’ THY Advisors, Wendy and Grey Anne Cummings, commend their THY group for their efforts to promote THY at their school.

Jill DelGuercio, THY Advisor at Hilton Head Christian Academy applauded her THY group for promoting positive teen health year-round through initiatives at their school.

Tiffanie Elrod and Veronica Llambias, THY Advisors, acknowledged May River High THY for their efforts to promote positive teen health.

Jillian Campanella receives special recognition for serving as the Youth CIA from 2022-2024.

LCAHY’s 2023-2024 Outstanding Senior Service Award recipients were recognized for their significant contributions to the coalition. 

LCAHY Board member, Dr. Ronda Stevens, encourages parents to take a parent interest survey.

Bluffton Mayor 2003-2023 commends THY for their contributions to their school and community in promoting positive lifestyles.


ONDCP Grant Award

LCAHY, a 501(c)(3), is a recipient of the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program grant awarded by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Community Foundation of the Lowcountry serves as our fiscal agent.

National Drug Control Strategy 2024




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Lowcountry Alliance for Healthy Youth

O: 843-816-0205



Grant Year 8

Sep. 30th, 2024 - Sep. 29th, 2025


"Uniting the Community to Promote Positive Choices"

© 2025 by Lowcountry Alliance for Healthy Youth

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