LCAHY, which began in 2012, strives to bring together all sectors of the community to develop a comprehensive solution to preventing and reducing youth substance use/abuse and related risk behaviors. We realize that for comprehensive prevention education to be successful, it must be broad-based and community-wide; requiring coordination and collaboration of all sectors and facets of our community. This is where YOU come in.

Our Coalition has three levels of involvement/membership; each filling a crucial role for the organization:
Community Board Member: consists of the representation of individuals/organizations from the twelve community sectors who attend monthly meetings and fulfill Community Board roles which include, but are not limited to:
Assessing and identifying root causes that place our youth at risk.
Developing a comprehensive solution/strategic plan to prevent and reduce youth substance use/abuse and related risk behaviors.
Assisting with the implementation of the strategic plan.
Affiliate Member: attend meetings, as often as possible, and volunteer to serve on sub-committees
Community Partners: may not be able to regularly attend Community Board meetings, but are interested in occasionally assisting with/supporting coalition activities and in receiving coalition correspondence.
As we continue to move forward, with the excitement and momentum generated by the grant and our upcoming Coalition events, we ask that you consider what level of involvement you would like to commit to LCAHY – your involvement, no matter what level, is KEY to our success!
Thank you, in advance, for your consideration of participation and support!
For more information, please contact the LCAHY office: lcalliance4healthyyouth@gmail.com